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Previous Work

My first freelance job while I was still in school came through word of mouth. A local heard through a mutual friend that I edit video, and I got to work. 

Looking back, I'm not overly impressed with what I came up with, especially now that my production skills have come so far. It was however my first edit outside of class work, and was a huge stepping stone.

Lexy Krall Highlight Video

Film Class Final

In my last year of school I took a 300 level film class that taught me a great deal about cinematography. I learned about the art of film making, the direction of angles, and the purpose behind every shot. A class like this may seem like a joke, but to an individual like me, it can be a huge asset. It gives me a chance to learn from professionals in my passionate field, just as all other aspiring professionals do.

In video, everything matters. Depth of field, camera position, setting, lighting… The list is literally never ending. Every detail must be intentional.

Here, I have all my work from before I started Kem Lab Media. It includes some other freelance work, and some from when I attended Lebanon Valley College.

As one of my college group projects, a few friends and I were in charge of recording and editing a series of videos for a local charity. This video captures the main event of the Gala, the chef competition, and is a combination of the effort of all our team members. 

Sometimes video production cannot be accomplished by a single individual. This event alone taught me that.


A huge shoutout to my two very good friends Matt Kisiday and Shea Matthews who are doing GREAT things in their respective locations, and have done nothing but make me better. 

Giving Tree of Hummelstown

This series made me realize that I wanted to get in to the visual arts. Being on a set where you have full creative control with a friend, being able to bounce ideas off of each other, and being able to act them out is honestly unheard of unless you’re Quentin Tarantino. I had all of those while I was in college and will never regret it.


You can watch all our videos on the SustainableLVC YouTube channel.

Green Man and EnviroBoy

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